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This is a question I Quit!

Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."

What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?

(, Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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Good timing on this, i handed my notice in last week.

But this is a story from 6 years ago. I'll keep it short.

I'd trained to be a sports physio, and on passing everything which needed passing i went on the look for jobs with my main aim to work at a football club.

So went for some interviews most went well as i knew my stuff. I think i had about 6 interviews plus a few at rugby clubs. Anyway, got a job at a club in London, Prem team and i was very happy. My dream was going to come true, id be working at a top Prem team and earning decent money and learn off some of the best.

However, it was hell.

8 in the morning until late at night, working every day with normally just one day off a month and having to deal with some of the biggest tossers known to man, only 3 players from the whole squad were ok and would talk to you, the rest would fake injury to get out of playing and go nuts if we told them there was nothing wrong, some actually wanted to play and went nuts when we told them they were out of action for a while.

I lasted 1 season before id had enough. I now hate this team with a passion but wont say who.

For some reason i moved into advertising and its ok but im getting tempted to go back to being a physio for some strange reason,
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 3:35, 8 replies)
Damn false expectations!
Unlucky mate, what shocks me is the hours. Sweatshop!
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 4:06, closed)
it was terrible
I know mate, they said it would be long hours but it was mainly sitting around waiting for lazy players to stop fcuking some tart so we can treat them for an injury, longest i had to wait was about 5 hours for one player to have some work done on his leg, i hate him.
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 4:26, closed)
I feel so naive! I used to imagine most clubs having more sense of camaraderie between players and staff. Can I ask about the 3 players who were alright to you, were they all first team or were some youth players?
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 4:38, closed)
First team
All first team guys, mainly the family men and were really nice blokes, met up with a couple of them for a beer last xmas. The rest were tossers, even the youth team (some are top players now) were horrible to most staff. The only people they respected were the manager and asst manager, we were there to serve them, which is right but they made us all feel like scum, even after helping players back from horrible injuries most of the time not even a thank you, and from friends still in the game its got worse.
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 5:26, closed)
All of which
reinforces my belief that most top-flight footballers are a bunch of overpaid, over-rated arseholes.
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 9:58, closed)
i've never thought
that football players were nice, so no illusions shattered for me fortunately.

I feel sorry for you though being let down like that, what about being a female gymnast physio, that's gotta be worth a shot eh?
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 15:07, closed)
How about moving into rugby? They get paid less, so maybe there's less ego there?
(, Mon 26 May 2008, 19:01, closed)
thats what im going to try
now im out in oz, i still do a bit for lower grade rugby/soccer teams so just trying to get into a pro club, prob wait another 6 months and get on some new courses to get up to date again and then give it a go.

The female gymnast sounds good though, maybe that is worth a shot
(, Tue 27 May 2008, 3:07, closed)

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