Racist grandparents
It Came From Planet Aylia says: "My husband's mad Auntie Joan accused the man seven doors down of stealing her milk as he was the first black neighbour she had. She doesn't even get her milk delivered." Tell us about casual racism from oldies.
Thanks to Brayn Dedd who suggested this too
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Oct 2011, 11:54)
Every story this week is practically identical
So I'm not going to read any of them anymore
wehttamman via B3ta for microwave, Sat 29 Oct 2011, 5:05,
4 replies)
yours is different and worth reading
enoughblueskyforsailorstrousers, Sat 29 Oct 2011, 5:09,
I inadvertently read it before I realised how unique it was.
Gritty, yet fluffy. kipperpillock is obsessed with me =), Sat 29 Oct 2011, 9:00,
Didn't you post this last week?
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Sat 29 Oct 2011, 10:01,
Thanks for letting me know.
I'll sleep better, now.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Sat 29 Oct 2011, 16:07,