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Home » Question of the Week » Random Acts of Evil » Post 1538348 | Search
This is a question Random Acts of Evil

Mr Twisty Cheeky asks: As a contrast to last week's question - Has anyone ever been evil to you, out of the blue, for no reason? Have you ever been total twuntcake against all logic?

(, Thu 16 Feb 2012, 18:49)
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A good 20 years ago when I was house sitting for a mate
I fast-forwarded all of his video tapes to the end.
(, Wed 22 Feb 2012, 9:37, 3 replies)
Laughing hard at this one...
Have a 'click' for making me think of the 'clunk.....whhiiiRRRR' as he went to play a tape
(, Wed 22 Feb 2012, 9:44, closed)
I did this to my mate's DVDs
He's got hundreds of them too, he'll be so annoyed
(, Wed 22 Feb 2012, 10:03, closed)
I'm gutted I've missed the boat on this one.
It's just the sort of twattery I could get involved in.

I suppose there's always mixing their dvd's up.
(, Wed 22 Feb 2012, 12:00, closed)

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