Random Acts of Kindness
Crackhouseceilidhband asks: Has anyone ever been nice to you, out of the blue, for no reason? Have you ever helped an old lady across the road, even if she didn't want to? Make me believe that the world is a better place than the media and experience suggest
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 9 Feb 2012, 13:03)
Why would he care what colour other people are?
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 11:31,
2 replies)
And why would anyone that knew him send him a text message?
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 11:34,
maybe he has a braille app that wasn't working on that day
Quintno EXPERIMENT RUINED CANCELLED, LEFT 4EVER, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 11:39,
It's an allegory
The blind man is Monty. The text message is his conscience. Bethnal Green probably is a reference to Bethlehem.
I think Monty has found God.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 11:46,
Worse. God found Monty.
Colonel Boris "...a desperate Buzzfeed imitation...", Mon 13 Feb 2012, 11:51,
I'm always in the last place he looks.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 15:34,
That's what I thought.
Surely to him everyone including himself is pitch black? Or white, or whatever those fucking blindies 'see'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Mon 13 Feb 2012, 15:35,