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This is a question Ripped Off

A friend who worked in a second hand record shop told us about a Japanese guy who regularly bought "rare" records in their shop. One time, he was looking for a signed copy of "Never Mind the Bollocks".

They didn't have one. Four people and one magic marker later, they did. Ker-ching!

How have you been ripped off? Who did you rip off? Are you a British Gas customer?

(, Thu 15 Feb 2007, 16:28)
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Milk and biscuits
I myself have been ripped off numerous times, but one instance sticks in mind of me actually making a bit of money out of something not really worth it.

Back in primary school, around breaktime we would have milk and biscuits before being let out into the playground for a run around. For 20p a day we got a small bottle of milk and two biscuits of choice from the biscuit tin.

However, I found it quite easy to slip a few extra biscuits up my sleeve on my go and then sell them on in the playground for say about 10p each.

This meant that even if I only sold two biscuits that day I had enough money to start the whole thing over again.

Since then I've grown out of my swindling ways (well, apart from last year when I sold a guitar for way more than it was worth to a friend, though in my defence he was desperate for a guitar and I was desperate for the money - I sold him an amp a couple of days later for about £20, pretty well done for me considering it was an acoustic guitar I sold him in the first place).
(, Thu 15 Feb 2007, 23:53, Reply)

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