Last week I had to stop a guy attacking another one in the middle of the road - one had run the lights whilst on the phone and the other had objected. I actually had to take the attacker's car keys out of their car and tell him he wasn't getting them back till he calmed down.
Looking back on it, I was lucky I was feeling all parental and in control or the situation could have panned out very differently.
Have you lost it on the roads, or have you been on the recieving end of some nutter?
( , Thu 12 Oct 2006, 21:31)
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On an empty dual carriageway, I start getting tailgated by a white van. Thinking “oh ffs” I pull into the inside lane. White van follows me, and continues to tailgate. I indicate right, and move back into the outside lane. White van follows me again, and literally gets within a meter (all I could see in the back mirror was the grille). Cue this back and forth a number of times. I’m getting increasingly pissed off and worried as it’s obvious this guy is doing it deliberately, and it’s really fucking dangerous.
A few miles of this and he indicates and starts to pull off the slip road, obviously having a great time with his mate, chortling away. I think “thank fuck for that” and give him the middle finger.
He then pulls a hard right, and swerves back onto the dual carriageway.
“uh oh.” Thinks I. Mouth going dry and adrenaline gland opening, as this van powers up behind me.
The guy then proceeded to pull to the side of me, almost touching the side of my car (I thought if it went on for longer, he’s start to ram me like a cliché Hollywood movie), screaming obscenities, and not watching the road at all. By this point I made a “wind your window down” gesture and guys mate complies.
“You better calm him down otherwise he’s going to kill himself and you or all of us.” Shouts I ,to an ashen face.
Thankfully his mate saw sense and calmed him down, as they left on the next road, leaving me to pull over in the next layby and sit shaking for quarter of an hour.
I can see now how people get stabbed.
( , Fri 13 Oct 2006, 9:10, Reply)
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