Rogues, Villains and Eccentrics
My current toilet book is Brewer's classic encyclopedia
of the same name, listing some of the great British nutters down the ages. Let's create a B3TA version based on the dodgy people you've met
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 13:43)
The Bourne Identity?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 16:22,
1 reply)
No, that shit one with Mork from Ork in it.
The Resident Loon Not a demographic. Do not measure., Thu 27 Sep 2012, 16:26,
Dead Poets Society
Smale is stuffed, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 16:28,
Mrs Doubtfire?
Figmaus, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 16:58,
Yeah that narrows it down.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 17:07,
(Pssst. Don't tell anyone I told you, but it was "Good Will Hunting". But it's kinda fun seeing all these shite movies mentioned...)
The Resident Loon Not a demographic. Do not measure., Thu 27 Sep 2012, 20:52,
Good Morning Vietnam
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 17:07,
Night at the Museum 2?
Draconacticus Reject shampoo. Demand real poo!, Thu 27 Sep 2012, 17:21,
Smokey and the bandit?
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Fri 28 Sep 2012, 11:21,