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Home » Question of the Week » Rubbish Towns » Post 553646 | Search
This is a question Rubbish Towns

I once went to Basildon. It was closed, I got chased by a bunch of knuckle-dragged yobs until I was lost in a maze of concrete alleyways and got food poisoning off pie. Tell us about the awful places you've visited or have your home.

Thanks to SpankyHanky for the suggestion

(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:07)
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I live in Gravesend.
Therefore I win this QOTW.
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:14, 6 replies)
I live in Grimsby,
Home of Ian Huntley, amongst others. I think I winz :P
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:19, closed)
Yes but Ian Huntly left Grimsby.
I actually chose to come and live in this shithole.
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:29, closed)
i trump you with dartford. Next nw.kentish town up. You have a high street in gravesend, with shops, and pubs. you dont know yer born!
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 13:13, closed)
beats dartford and gravesend so ner ner!
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 15:02, closed)
naaaaah. now with the DLR city airport / canning town extension, woolwich finally has something usefull and handy.
(, Fri 30 Oct 2009, 13:48, closed)
makes gravesend look posh
(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 23:40, closed)

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