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I once went to Basildon. It was closed, I got chased by a bunch of knuckle-dragged yobs until I was lost in a maze of concrete alleyways and got food poisoning off pie. Tell us about the awful places you've visited or have your home.

Thanks to SpankyHanky for the suggestion

(, Thu 29 Oct 2009, 11:07)
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Aren't you rather missing the point
that actually they did complain, and the issue got sorted out quite quickly. Now what would have happened if no complaint was made? The old fella goes home with a nasty lung infection to wait until someone remembers to phone him about the X-rays, and it could have got much worse and ended up with a trip to hospital, or even worse.

And why mention Africa (which is split in many countries you know, you can't just "go to work in Africa" but that's another matter)? What the fuck has the state of the medical profession in a deprived area of the world got to do with the ability of a rich western nation to run a health service?
(, Fri 30 Oct 2009, 12:34, 1 reply)
Get over yourselves.
My point is pretty simple, but well done y'all for missing it! We're infinitely better off in this country, despite the NHS not being perfect, than in many other places simply because we had the fortune to be born here or were able to move here. To the poster who mocked my use of the term Africa: that was really intelligent. I'm pretty sure I don't have to tell you which countries I've worked in, my point stands in all of them. For the record though, South Africa and Botswana.

If you'd come across the multitude of spoilt yet complaining wankers that I do on a daily basis, you too would be sick of the people who have the most pretending they have it tough. You don't. Cheers!

I bet you all complain when you've got to wait 30 mins at the doctors. Bless, life is tough here innit....
(, Fri 30 Oct 2009, 17:15, closed)
You really are an amazing self righteous dumb cunt.
(, Fri 30 Oct 2009, 18:14, closed)
Hold your horses
it's a bit late for you to suddenly try and play the "Get over yourselves" card. You're the one who came in with the hysterical reaction to the OP.

I don't want to write too much since you clearly don't have that good an attention span. I was the poster who mocked your catch all use of the continent of Africa, I thought you might have remembered this since you were replying to my post. But you are right, you don't have to tell me where you've worked, indeed I would go so far as to say I don't have the slightest interest of where you have or haven't worked since it has no bearing on this discussion.

Your premise that we should not criticise anything since elsewhere there are people worse off is so obviously ridiculous that I'm not even sure where to start.

Let's look at this: "pretending they have it tough. You don't." If the old guy in the post had died as a result of a lazy locum, I think he would have been justified in describing his situation as more than a little "tough".

The healthcare system in this country has billions and billions of pounds pumped into it. It works very well in some ways, I have nothing but good things to say about the NHS as a concept, I think universal healthcare paid for at a national level and free at the point of access is just the most wonderful thing.

But, the system has some serious problems. Personally I have an excellent doctor less than 100m from my house, if I need to see him I phone up and can get an appointment in a day or two, if it's really urgent, I have seen them the same day. But I know lots of people who need to wait weeks for an appointment to see their GP.

This isn't a good thing at all, the services available across the country ought to be equal. I don't like the term "postcode lottery", but it is a bit ridiculous where people who pay the same amount of tax but live in different places get differing levels of service.

I'm kind of drifting on the point I'm trying to make, which is that you ought to drink yourself a nice tall glass of chill the fuck out and stop whining, and if you're going to post retorts, try and make them well thought out.
(, Sat 31 Oct 2009, 16:07, closed)

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