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This is a question Money-saving tips

I'm broke, you're broke, we're all broke. Even the smug guy on the balcony with the croissant hasn't got two AmEx gold cards to rub together these days. Tell everybody your schemes to save cash.

(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 18:09)
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Use some mathematics for a change.
Factor in fuel costs when deciding if to go to a (more expensive) local shop instead of an out of town megamart for a couple of items. If you, like me, have to drive an 8 mile round trip to Tesco then that's £1.25-ish in fuel for a 40mpg car. You have to pay for the fuel anyway but because you don't do it on a mile-by-mile basis you don't see it happening.

Mind you, I also used to do mathematics when broke and calculated booze costs in terms of ABV per unit size container and came to the conclusion that the best value booze in the world is Ice Dragon white cider. Ugh.
(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 22:48, 6 replies)
Some of the bulk containers of hand gel are competitively priced.

(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 22:53, closed)
that's still not as good as tramps who nick them from Casualty
Free-ish. And the only downside is if they get nicked, a warm night and a meal in Police custody.
(, Thu 10 Nov 2011, 22:55, closed)
Have you tried meths?
I bet that'll get you smashed quicker for less
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 4:51, closed)
Who said that?
It's gone mighty dark in here..
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 5:52, closed)
Lighter fluid is a far superior drink than meths!
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 7:41, closed)
Or plan your shopping better
So you go when you are passing the supermarket anyway rather than making a special trip.
(, Fri 11 Nov 2011, 21:51, closed)

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