You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".
Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.
( , Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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I got a big nasty one on my knee, which I got when I was seven, where i was racing my sister to a gap in the school fence. I managed to trip over her ankles, and landed straight down on the horrible gritty carpark ground. Cue my mum running up and going straight to my sister, who was moaning about how I'd "hurt her ankle". Mum gets all "how dare he!" and turns to me, lying prone on the ground, rolls me over, and starts to berate me for injuring my sis, before glancing down to my knee, which had a rock...an actual rock...embedded in it. Blood pouring down my leg, I get rushed to casualty, but then wussed out of stitches, and was left with a moleste scar on my knee...I was most pissed off though, with the fact that I couldnt go to the seaside, which is why I was running in the first place...
Oh yeah...when I got to casualty, guess what they used to clean out my gaping wound???...No idea...
A toothbrush. A whacking great TOOTHBRUSH. Cue friendly (and rather attractive, in retrospect) nurse scrubbing away merrily at my wound, trying desperately to stop me from kicking her to get away from the damned thing. Still got the toothbrush, and the rock though....
Another one in my arm, about an inch long, which was caused by glass falling out of the sky, into my arm, in a field, in the middle of nowhere (seriously, we were 5 miles away from the nearest road...) We were walking to a campsite, and the path followed the river at the bottom of a steep valley. We'd heard some shots earlier, but since the camp we were going to had clay pigeon shooting, we didnt make anything of it...Anyhoo, we were sat eating lunch and I'm suddenly aware of a searing pain in my right arm...I look down, and theres a four inch piece of glass embedded in my arm. Some guy had been firing his gun at bottles on his wall, firing into the valley...I got soooo much compensation for that....
And some more on my back, from getting some moles removed, but if I tell girls I got shot...heh, scars are sexy!
Also, friend'o'mine, goes by the name of Dave, proper mental he is, once had METALLICA carved in his arm, whilst he was lying pissed/stoned/high on the floor...He also introduced himself to an entire college year (about 2000 people) by saying he once got a pen stuck up his arse, and did they want to see the scar...he explained this away by saying he'd had a bath, and had sat on a pen his sister left on his bed...we spent many a long free period discussing the physics behind this...and decided he was just a bit of a bummer...
No apologies for length, but girth...well now, thats a WHOLE different matter...
( , Tue 8 Feb 2005, 7:43, Reply)
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