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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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The wrong kid.
Let me set the scene. It was a sunny lunch time, we had taken the football pitch from the immature year 10s (us being year 11 and all) we were happily playing when the tougher kids from our year decided they wanted to play. After a few protests ("they'll just kick us if we don't give them the ball") we finally decided to let them play, us vs them. There were more of us but they played dirty so it was about fair.

I was in defense. I'm shit at football but enjoy playing, so I'm either defense or keeper so I don't mess it up for the good kids who can score. the opposition came on the counter attack and there was only me and the keeper to beat. I start to move towards the player with the ball, when another kid comes in and tackles me to the ground and sits on me. I was mad at this, he continued to sit on me for few minutes while the game played on without me. Finally he lets me up. I knew I had to take revenge but couldn't just come out and hit him, I would be killed by the rest of the gorilla gang. So I waited until he was between me and the ball and shoulder barged him on the way to hoofing the ball down field with the biggest kick I could muster.

That was the plan. I saw my opportunity and took it. I shoulder barged him on the way to the ball quite hard, I even disorientated myself, then I saw the ball and went for the kick. The one thing I didn't think about were other players. It didn't cross my mind that someone else might get to the ball before me. I never even considered that one of the toughest kids in our school might also go for the same ball. As I went to kick the ball with all my might all I saw was his foot. It all happened in slow motion. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground. I knew I had signed my own death wish. Fortunately for me the bell rang and I ran as fast as I could to get to my next class, it was the first time in history I was early to class.

Then came the waiting. I knew there would be revenge, but I didn't know when, where or how bad it was going to be. Right after school let out he was waiting for me. Somehow I managed to cut him a deal, a kick for a kick. He kicked me as hard as he could on my thigh. My god it hurt, but at least it was over. I had to walk the whole way home with a dead leg.

Not particularly funny I know. Not many of my school stories are, like the time I was told off for someone picking me up and holding me upside down in class. Or the time someone pulled my tie so tight it was strangling me and it took 3 people to get it off before it killed me.

School was fun.
(, Fri 30 Jan 2009, 16:46, Reply)

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