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This is a question School Days

"The best years of our lives," somebody lied. Tell us the funniest thing that ever happened at school.

(, Thu 29 Jan 2009, 12:19)
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Things I regret doing at school:
Going into the music practice room that had no windows just so we could turn off the lights and beat up my mate in the dark.
Attempting to frisbee a circular protractor across the science lab only to completely mis-aim and hit some guy in the eye.
Egging on the borderline-autistic and ridiculously tall and gangly bloke to try to kick the ceiling of the 6th form room.
Rubbing my thighs repeatedly, Vic Reeves style, at the ugliest girl in class until she slapped me in the face.
Never getting in a fight I had a chance of winning.
Not paying attention in Art, Music and History.
Generally being a bit of a twat.

Things I don't regret doing:

Breaking large quantities of expensive glass chemistry equipment.
Getting a piece of dissected pig's heart stuck to the biology lab ceiling, and it staying there for over 2 years.
Inciting an agar jelly war.
(, Fri 30 Jan 2009, 17:17, Reply)

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