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This is a question Shame

Some people get off on the exhibitionism, but this was pure lust. I'm not proud, but I did once have sex on Portsmouth beach at 2am in the fog. I got a nasty cold, shingle _everywhere_ and have never, ever gone back to Portsmouth. The shame.

There are things you boast about, and then there's Portsmouth beach... what are you ashamed of having done?

(, Thu 24 Nov 2005, 17:16)
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Weel chair
i was on a train goign to chichester once, and because i had my bike i sat in the luggage van. In the van at the same time was a man and his weel chair bound wife. we got chatting and i was told how they went on a boat trip earlier in the day. she told me how it was very rough on the water and how she was tyhe only one not to get sea sick. so i replied:

"well not all of us have sea legs."

i know its not that funny, but i was fairly embarresed and hads the decency to not talk after that.
oh i've also told a girlfriend she 'wasnt actually that bad looking' but she was ginger. I also told a girl i liked she was like my fit mate, only not so fit :D
(, Sun 27 Nov 2005, 11:30, Reply)

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