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This is a question Shoplifting

When I was young and impressionable and on holiday in France, I followed some friends into a sweet shop and we each stole something. I was so mortified by this, I returned them.

My lack of French hampered this somewhat - they had no idea why the small English boy wanted to add some chews to the open box, and saw it as an attempt by a nasty foreigner oik to contaminate their stock. Not my best day.

What have you lifted?

(, Thu 10 Jan 2008, 11:13)
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Vending machines
I used to work as part of an IT support helpdesk, due to the global support we provided it meant working a 24x5 in shifts.

In the staff room was a vending machine - which - if you have ever worked nights when there are no shops open, becomes the focus of your breaks.

One night i had put money in for a Nestle Crunch bar, typed the coordinate number, but it didn’t fall out. So i tipped the machine sideways to give it some persuasion - result!! Two bars fell out.

With a raise of one eyebrow, i spot a pack of Polos hanging precariously. I give it another ‘shake’ Double result – Crisps and Polos fell out.

All for 42p.

I Continue this practice for about a week until the vending machine was looking quite bare. I kept it a secret knowing it could quite easily get me fired. Then a bout 3 weeks later on night shift again, the previous shift was just leaving when I heard the unmistaken bangs coming from the staff room. I go to investigate…

When I get there I find my co-worker and my Manager doing my trick. On the floor next to their feet was all sorts – chocolate bars, smints, crisps, pork pies – the lot. They were giggling in a very hushed evil/silly manner – they knew it was wrong, but they were getting such brilliant rewards. They see me and quickly freeze. The manager then quickly shuts the door and says in a hushed manner ’you didn’t see us doing this, but we’ve been doing this for a few weeks now and get everything for free – isn’t that great!?!?’

I quickly dismiss their antics and take the moral high ground – knowing that this could quite easily save my arse if I ever get collard.

This went on for about 3 months – I don’t know how the guy who refilled it (who was from a 3rd party company) didn’t click…

Length ? it was about 6’ x 4’ x 5’ and weighed like b@stard.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 14:44, 5 replies)
Length ? it was about 6’ x 4’ x 5’ and weighed like b@stard.
Reminds me of a girl I once dated.

(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 14:50, closed)
I Like This!! :)
*Clickity Click Click*
(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 15:02, closed)
I also tried it with the cola machine next to it, but that one was like a house... after 20 minutes of huffing an puffin and wobbling we got nothing...naddaaa. But is Coka Cola worth that much effort anyway? Nestle Crunch bars defo are.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 15:14, closed)
Sounds like a typical EDSer
(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 16:50, closed)
I disagree
he has worked out how to turn on a computer. Or at least get someone to do it for him.
(, Wed 16 Jan 2008, 19:09, closed)

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