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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Little Jimmy wanted to impress his dad
so he went up to his pop and said "Father, can I do something for you?" His father proceeded to give him 10 pounds and said, "buy me ten pounds worth of what's what." He knew well that he was sending his son on a wild goose hunt, and he expected his son back in no time.

Jimmy walked down the street to the corner store and asked the cashier "hey, can I buy ten pounds worth of what's what?". The cashier knew Jimmy was on a wild goose hunt and decided to have a litle fun with it. So he tells lttle Jimmy to continue down the road until he comes to a house wiht a red light on inside the window, where he can buy all the what's what he needs. Jimmy, being only a small child, obediently follows the cashier's directions until low and behold, a house with a red light appeared. He raced up the steps and knocked on the door. When a naked woman answered the door, Jimmy knew not what he was looking at, and inquisitively asked, "What's that?". The woman said "what's what?" and Jimmy replied "I'll have ten pounds worth. It's for my dad".

Really dumb, but then again, someone might like it.

Classic sick joke:

What's more fun than nailing a dead baby to a tree?

Ripping it off.

- My boyfriend gets sick whenever I tell that one, he's even told it to his friends and they've gotten sick too. I guess I've just got a good stomach for these things.
(, Sun 12 Sep 2004, 6:08, Reply)

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