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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Variation on a theme.
A driver is travelling through a forest when he comes across a man tied to a tree stark-bollock naked.

The driver stops, and gets out and asks the man whats wrong.

"Well, I was driving along and I stopped because I saw a woman lying in the road so I stopped. I went to help her when I felt someone clout me over the back of the head and I blacked out. When I awoke I found myself tied to this tree, and my car was gone." said the man.
"That's terrible!" said the driver.

"It gets worse...", continued the man, "...I was found by a passing truck driver. He got out of his cab, and finding me like this, stole my wallet, my phone, and my house-keys".
"That's horrendous." exclaimed the driver.

"It gets even worse..." said the man, close to tears "... after he left a tramp wandered by, and finding me like this, stole all my clothes, leaving me here as you find me."

"D'you know what?" asked the driver.
"What?" replies the man.
"It's just not your lucky day." says the driver, as he unzips his trousers...
(, Tue 14 Sep 2004, 15:24, Reply)

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