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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

Tell us your jokes.

(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Sick Jokes
A Policeman is driving down the street when he sees a man pouring petrol over a bunch of Paki's. The policeman screeches to a halt, jumps out the car and shouts: "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?"

"Oh about fifty to the gallon!" replies the man


In todays news, Police in Alabama found the body of black man, hanging from the tree, his arms and legs had been cut off, he'd been set on fire and shot seven times.

The Sheriff said it was the worst suicide he'd ever seen!


You are woken in the middle of the night by a noise downstairs in the sitting room. You grab your baseball bat, carefully and quietly you make your way along the landing, down the stairs, through the hall, you fling open the sitting room door, you can just make out IN the darkness the TV floating mid air, what do you say? . . . . "DROP IT NIGGER!"


How many Vietnam Veterans does it take to change a lightbulb?

"You don't know man, you weren't there!"


What do you call a Paki with a piece of meat on his head?


What do you call a Paki with two pieces of meat on his head?


What do you call a Paki with two pieces of meat on his head, standing in between two houses?

Muhammed Ali


Name a famous Jewish Baker?

Adolf Hitler
(, Tue 14 Sep 2004, 19:53, Reply)

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