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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Steve the stud rabbit.
This is a very old joke that I still like:

Steve the stud rabbit, although an enthusiastic servicer of the does, was getting on a bit in rabbit terms (he was four).

The owners of the rabbit stud farm decided to get a new stud rabbit in, before Steve copped it from sheer sexual exhaustion.

So one morning, just while Steve was starting his daily bunny humping routine, he was introduced to the replacement rabbit called Buck.

"Any advice?" asked Buck.

"Well Buck, I have always found it useful, after each sex act to thank each doe individually and personally. You don't need to do it youngster, but she'll remember you for it each time and it will work out best in the long run, trust me. She'll be flattered and will come back for more in a happy fashion. It's like shagging the Flopsy Bunnies only without the bad illustrations"

Buck was a bit dubious about this whole talking to does thing but in deference to Steve's obvious experience was willing to give it a go.

So the two stud rabbits one old and tired, one young and err, full of spunk, started at either end of a very long line of does.

Steve was making his way along the line, slowly and methodically...

*hump, hump* "Thanks very much doe, how's the family? How's your cousin Irene?

*hump, hump* "Thanks very much doe, didn't I see you in Watership Down?"

*hump hump* "I like what you've done with your tail, cotton is in this year I've heard." etc, etc.

Meanwhile young Buck is tearing his way down the line at a furious rate, barely pausing to hop between each rabbit in turn...

"Thanks doe"
"Thanks doe"
"Thanks doe"
"Oops, sorry Steve..."
"Thanks doe"
"Thanks doe"

EDIT: Dog, I have told your epilepetic joke remorse story to three different people already (pretending it's a true story the way you did in your post). They have all fallen for the supposed story (as I did reading your post) and then subsequently fallen over at the punchline. If that's your gag then you are a comedy god and I worship you!

FURTHER EDIT: Also just read the pianist joke, worth wading through the reposts for fried gold like that. Unless it's a repost too...mind you, mine might be too...bugger!
(, Wed 7 Dec 2005, 23:51, Reply)

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