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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Paddy and Murphy are walking down the street one evening, when Paddy says 'Mind your step, Murphy. That looks like dogshit down there.'

Murphy says 'So it does. Let's have a closer look.' So they both bend down and look at the offending substance up close.'But we'd better make sure'. So they bend down further and have a good long sniff.

'It really smells like dogshit and everything,' says Paddy. 'Yes,' says Murphy, as he touches it, then licks his finger.'And it tastes just like it too.' Paddy does the same and says 'So it does. I think we can say it definitely is dogshit.' 'Without question!' Murphy agrees 'Lucky we didn't step in it'.
(, Tue 10 Jan 2006, 21:55, Reply)

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