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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

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(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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Englishman, Scotsman and an Irishman...
have an interview at a brewrey for a job as a bar manager.

The Englishman has his interview first, and for the last question the brewry owner asks "If you could put your pub anywhere in the world, where it be?"
The Englishman responds "Id have a pub next to Buckingham Palace, withall those tourists you'd rake the money in"
The Scotsman comes in after the Englishman and he is also asked the same questions. After thinking what his answer would be for the last question he responds "Id have my pub built into Ibrox, can you imagine how much all those football fans drink?"
Lastly, the Irishman has his interview, the interview goes really well, and the Brewery owner is very impressed by this mans knowedge of Guinness and the like. Finally the Brewery owner asks the final question "If you could put your pub anywhere in the world, where it be?"
The Irishman answers immediatley "Id put mine in Ethiopia"
The Brewery ownwer asks in amazement "Why would you put your pub in Ethiopia?"
The Irishman reponds "Well have you seen the beer bellys on those guys?"
(, Tue 31 Jan 2006, 10:26, Reply)

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