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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

Tell us your jokes.

(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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good jokes
These are some of my fav jokes ever. :)

A black dad and his kid are sitting on a plane and they overhear on the intercom "I'm sorry passengers, but we have overloaded the plane, we will need to start removing passengers and will do so alphabetically... are there any African Americans? Blacks? Coons...."

The son looks up at his dad and asks, "Dad we are black, why don't we say anything?"

The dad replies, "today son, we are niggers!"
Two Hasidic Jews were walking down the street one day. They ran into
Abe, an old friend. When they ask how he was doing he said, "I'm doing
great. I just hit the lottery for ten million dollars!."

Naturally aroused they ask him what he did with the money. He replied,
"I bought the biggest piece of property money could buy right in the
heart of Berlin, Germany. On that property, I built a mansion and on my
front lawn I put a solid gold life size statue of Adolf Hitler!"

His friends are completely shocked and couldn't believe what he had
done. They said, "Adolf Hitler, are you crazy?"

With that, he calmly pointed at his inner forearm and says, "Adolf
vasn't such a bad guy... he gave me the winning numbers!
Q: What is so great about anal sex?
A: It is warm, tight, and more degrading to women.

Q: Why did God create yeast infections?
A: So women would know what it's like to live with an irritating cunt once in a while too.
A moment or two after a highway accident, an old Jewish man
came up to a woman lying by the roadside. "Have the police
come yet?" the man asked.

"No," the woman moaned.

"Has the ambulance been here yet?"

"No," the injured woman repeated.

"How about the insurance company?"


"Listen," the Jewish man said, bending down. "Do you mind if
I lay down next to you?"
Q: What is red and orange and looks good on the French?
A: Fire.
(, Mon 6 Feb 2006, 10:54, Reply)

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