I always thought my parents were quite strict, but I can't think of anything they actually banned me from doing, whereas a good friend was under no circumstances allowed to watch ITV because of the adverts.
This week's Time Out mentions some poor sod who was banned from sitting in the aisle seats at cinemas because, according to their mother, "drug dealers patrol the aisles, injecting people in the arm."
What were you banned from doing as a kid by loopy parents?
( , Thu 8 Mar 2007, 12:37)
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Let's see.
~jeans - Mom didn't want to shop somewhere else (we only ordered from Lands' End)
~pierced ears - I wasn't old enough
~rock concerts - dangerous people everywhere
~rock music - "You don't need to listen to that. Hear, listen to the Beach Boys."
~movies over PG - "There's sex and violence in there"
~cut-off shorts - hookers wear them
~high heels - hookers wear them
~candy - "You don't need to eat that shit." (I spent many a Halloween watching my dad throw everything out, piece by piece, right in front of me. I got so desperate I'd pick it out of the trash.)
~junkfood - "You don't need to eat that shit." (Desperate moments included sneaking cake icing from the tins.)
~movies - "Go read a book."
~food at the movies - "We have food at home!"
~Calvin & Hobbes - (Okay, I used to imitate them. I brought that on myself, but I was bored!)
~wandering around the neighborhood - dangerous people everywhere
~cussing - *SMACK*
~pets - unless I found one that didn't pee, poop, or die (Dad used to get me quiet and thinking for HOURS with this one. Sneaky bastard.)
~TV - "You don't need to watch that shit!" (I'd sneak Power Rangers anyway, but this blew into a huge war come seventh grade when I tried watching 'The Simpsons'.)
~CD player - too expensive and I didn't need them (oo. Wow. Casettes. Greeeat. (I have since learned to appreciate the casette.))
~video games - too violent
~jewelry - hookers wear it
~perfume - hookers wear it (and it turns out I'm allergic, so my face blows up like John Merrick if I wear it)
~Girl Scouts - I never got a reason why I couldn't join, I just wasn't allowed to. O.o
~smokes - duh
~booze - duh (they emphasized this hideous sin a lot, actually)
~drugs - duh
~foreign stuff - "Why?"
Rules incldued:
~playdates needed to be organized a week in advance, parents need to be met, we need to take you there ourselvses, blood samples, etc
~in bed by 7 PM, even summer. I had to argue them up to 8 PM in third grade. It didn't help that I wouldn't fall asleep until 11 PM - 2 AM. Continues to this day.
~we ALWAYS go to church on Sunday mornings. This is non-negotiable. (Until my family (well, all of us except mom) started fucking around during mass, found other ways to have peace with God, and did our own things come the teenage years).
And my personal favourite was when dad told me I couldn't go to the bottom of the hill from where we lived, cos a man pulled a boy into the woods along the road and raped him. It happened about fifty years ago, but it still happened, and scared the shit out of me. (Our city was having a lot of problems with gang violence, so twas probably the best.)
That and when I got a 2-3 hour lecture from papa when he found 'From Hell' in my room, flipped through it page by page (starting from the back) until he found the sex scenes (which were at the front), and made me sit there while he looked for it. I got bellowed at, and then when I brought it up to him a year or two after, "I don't remember that." AAaagagh!!
Fast forward to when I'm sixteen. I'm in a mood, storm up to my mother and announce I'm going to get my ears pierced and go downtown for a concert that will probably end around midnight.
"Okay, have fun."
D'oh. After enough fighting with them (and a fascination with the macabre around puberty), I won just about everything (finally). Although I'm starting to think all of that was for the best cos I'm considerably less fucked up than most of the people I graduated high school with. Although, it is kind of annoying to be the only sober person at a party and not by choice.
I love 'em dearly tho. :) It helps that they're less uptight than before and poop and barf jokes were plentiful when I was little. Oddly enough, my dad was delighted when I got him the little robotic dog that humps your leg for Christmas. I'm still pretty much virginal in most things, but TV is my shrine, my language is so filthy it'd make dock workers cry, I'm rarely seen without platform boots, and I'm a loyal Dir en grey fan (Japanese band that has one music video of a geisha getting cornholed with a giant robot dick until blood gushes from her mouth. It helps that the music is pretty good. ^.^)
Apologies for length. 'Swhat happens when you don't wear a bra.
( , Sat 10 Mar 2007, 2:22, Reply)
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