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Godwin's Lawyer tells us: "I once worked with a lad who believed 'Frankenstein' was based on a true story, and that the book was written by Shirley Bassey." Tell us about your workplace dopes.

(, Thu 3 Mar 2011, 15:34)
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Barney sounds like a complete wanker and you're better off without him
in my opinion
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 16:17, 1 reply)

HAHA... I think you're right, he was a fucking liability.

He also had these weird seizures from time to time - his eyes would roll back white and he'd just sit there looking into space for ages. Then he'd get just up, grab the nearest drink from whoever (even if it was in your hands) and down it in one.

Yes, we're better off without him.
(, Mon 7 Mar 2011, 16:35, closed)

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