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This is a question Tactless

As grandmasterfluffles puts it, "My ex once told me, "That's the best sex I've ever had... Well, apart from with my cousin..."
What's the most tactless thing you've heard? And was it you saying it?

(, Thu 3 Nov 2011, 22:40)
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My friend's brother
Recently made an appearance in the local news for kerb crawling. As I said to my mate "Well, at least it’s not rape."
(, Mon 7 Nov 2011, 13:38, 1 reply)
Edge of road = kerb, hence kerb crawling.
Curb = Stop something happening.

Hence I would support someone who wished to curb kerb crawling.

Thank you.
(, Mon 7 Nov 2011, 23:22, closed)

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