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This is a question Teenage Crushes - Part Two

Freddie Woo writes: I've still got weird feelings for a well-known female TV presenter from the 1980s. I'm now in my forties, work in the same building as her and she follows me on a number of social networking sites. And now, she knows about it.

Tell us about the teenage crushes that still make you go wobbly.

(, Thu 5 Nov 2009, 11:04)
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Expect to hear a lot from me this week.
Rampant hormones and being stuck in a school with a 60/40 girl to boy ratio was a bad combination to start with. Even worse in year 9, which is the middle of the school career. Girls not too older than you, and girls not too younger than you- Anyone's fair game. Apart from the teachers, but I'll go into that in a later post (maybe).

Anyway, there was this girl who happened to fall into the latter category- older. At the time, it seemed like she was MUCH older, but looking back, two years ain't that much. Anyway, her name was Layla. She had radiant blonde hair that stretched to her lower back, amazing blue eyes, and she played the violin. Her "alternativeness" made me fall for her. When people were listening to awful metalcore, new monkey and post-hardcore music, she was listening to things like New Order and Kate Bush. She was awesome.

Anyway, I found myself completely smitten, where I'd stare at her any time she walked by, and kept talking about her to my friends. Subsequently, they must have gotten sick to the back teeth of me talking about her, and decided something must be done. Whether out of annoyance, or just being good mates, they told her how I felt (without me knowing, of course). Anyway, as any young teenager does, I had a whole butt-ton of friends...and every single one of them all told her how I felt. Eventually, she started to get sick of it. How do I know? She confronted me about it...

Her two friends came up to me, with her trailing behind them, looking a little upset and annoyed. Before I could say anything, her friend started yelling at me, about how I should leave her alone, and something about me bordering on stalking. They walked away, looking still rather annoyed, leaving me standing with my mouth hanging open, still full of words I was going to say before her outburst.

Moral of the story: You want something done, do it yourself. Or stand back and admire something, rather than take it in. Or something.

(, Thu 5 Nov 2009, 19:09, Reply)

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