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This is a question Terrible Parenting

My parents used to lock my brother, sister and I in the car while they went to the pub for a "quick one" after work. This quick one might last several hours, during which they would send bottles of Indian Tonic Water to us by way of refreshment.

On one particularly cold evening, bored stupid, we lit a small bonfire on the back seat of the car using the cigarette lighter and the contents of the glove box. We owe our lives to passing winos. (BTW: Please no more Maddie or Jesus gags, they've been done.)

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 9:47)
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Or, I could tell you about the time they kicked me out at 16 and banned me from seeing my little sister ever again.

Or that they then got rid of everything I owned that I couldn't carry with me straight away.

Possibly the worst was the 'owning up times'

My step dad, a German blooded pathetic man, got his jollies from being horrible to us kids.

He's sit me and my bro down on the sofa and say, right, who was it then?

We didn't know what he meant (half the time I'm sure he made it all up anyway) we'd have to sit there until one of us owned up to something we didn't know about or possibly hadn't even been done.

I used to own up all the time just so we could get up 'cause otherwise we'd sit there until someone did, many times for hours at a time.

Like I say, I'd own up a lot just so I could have a wee but then he caught on, obviously as he knew nothing had been done wrong I was faking owning up so he's question us further about it to 'test' us.

Sorry Dad, it was me, I left my shoes in the hall?

Sorry Dad I didn't put my washing away?

Sorry Dad I didn't hang the towel straight?

Worst time had to me when I was 12 and my bro was 15, our little sister (stepdads child, she never had to do own up time) was 2.

He came into the front room actually rubbing his hands with glee, I knew what that meant, one of us had actually done something wrong.

Who was it then?

Who was what?



Then he showed us.

It was scribbled crayon at around about toddler height.

I suggested it may have been sister and got a whack for it.

Sad, sad little man, you know the type, thin on top, wears glasses, has affairs and looks at GRANNY PORN, yes 'dad' that time you wanted me to fix the printer, I had a nosey. You disgust me.

Fucking hell I need therpy.
(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 9:01, Reply)

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