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This is a question Terrible Parenting

My parents used to lock my brother, sister and I in the car while they went to the pub for a "quick one" after work. This quick one might last several hours, during which they would send bottles of Indian Tonic Water to us by way of refreshment.

On one particularly cold evening, bored stupid, we lit a small bonfire on the back seat of the car using the cigarette lighter and the contents of the glove box. We owe our lives to passing winos. (BTW: Please no more Maddie or Jesus gags, they've been done.)

(, Thu 16 Aug 2007, 9:47)
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definite favouritism.
It wasn't until my brother left home that I noticed how much my parents adore him. Whenever he came down to stay they would never let him do any work, leaving it all to me - his younger sister, and comment on how he was "such a lovely boy".

Don't get me wrong, me and my brother are really close and I respect him, but this favouritism came as a shock because the previous year my parents chucked my brother out of the house and seemed quite happy he was gone.

nowadays, when my brother isn't here, when i'm asked to do something and my dad offers to help, my mum says loudly "no sean! let Jessy do it! she can do it fine!". To my disgust. Also, appreciation of my coursework is at an all time low and my parents ignore me as much as possible.

This may not seem too bad, but I have a strange feeling that this treatment is going to screw me up for a long time.
(, Sat 18 Aug 2007, 14:48, Reply)

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