From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!
Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic
( , Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
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Remember those TV licensing ads that had a repetitive theme telling us how all our TV viewing delights were just nine pounds per month?
When I proudly moved into my first house in 2001 I phoned up the authorities and registered to pay my license.
That'll be "£24 per month".
I can't remember the exact figures or details but I believe it was something to do with it being my first application - apparently you pay for the first year up front and then subsequently in arrears or vice versa... they did indeed baffle me with numerical science.
However, what I can remember is my utter disgust at their adverts and the huge discrepancy in the amount they wanted. I also remember threatening going to the ombudsman etc.
OK so the ads disappearing probably had absolutely nothing to do with my mini-crusade but I like to believe in my heart that I'm the guy who stuck it to the man... especially since in normal life I avoid confrontation like the plague. I leave it to the missus who frankly kicks ass!
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 11:38, 5 replies)

So because I disagree with the pay in advance twice approach they seem to insist on, I instead just pay annually when I have to and instead put the 9 pounds a month into a bank account where it earns me some interest!
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 11:43, closed)

I did much the same a few years back and the person on the phone explained that I needed to get 6 months ahead of payments then they'd settle down to the 9-10 quid a month as advertised. So I asked the unhelpful boy on the line, "Does that mean if I pay by direct debit you'll always be 6 months of license up on me?" "Err, yes I suppose so" "So when people die [Gran was really ill at the time] you refund that money as a matter of policy don't you?" "Err, I'm not sure"
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 11:52, closed)

You can return TV licenses and you get a credit on any unused quarters.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 12:51, closed)

"from just £9 a month" states the least you could pay not the amount you expect to pay.
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 12:51, closed)

When I first moved away from home I had EXACTLY the same conversation with the TV licence theives. I was happy to pay monthly for one year, but couldn't afford two at once and didn't even know if I'd still be away from home next year. The humourless robot bloke on the end of the phone kept threatening me that bad things would happen if I didn't. I put the phone down on him after going around the loop five or six times.
I'm NOW getting letters for my current address because I bought a telly, argos the telltale little gits told on me. We DO have a licence, but it's in my partner's name, and they won't change it without a really unecessary amount of fuss. (The fact that I pay the bill seems not to matter.) I'm usually a very peaceable person, but I think I'd love to have a really good go at hurting some of these people, Dexter-style, with plastic food wrap and sharp things...
( , Fri 18 Jun 2010, 22:59, closed)
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