From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!
Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic
( , Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
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I know the story. When I moved, I phoned and told them of my new address and the date that I would be moving.
Made no difference.
I got a bill, nearly a year later, for the place I'd moved out of. I wrote to them and told them again when I had moved. They said that they sent a final bill (long after the date that I moved, and wrong - they were about 2 months out), and as I didn't pay it within 6 days they instigated a court hearing - which I didn't turn up at (because they sent it to my old address - trust me, I'd have gone to that hearing if I'd known about it).
I sent nine letters, and copied my MP in (fat lot of good that did) on each one. In the meantime, I was constantly on at them for not sending me a bill for my current place (phoning them about once a month).
In the end, they sent me a bill for £0.00 - which I paid, by ignoring it, and writing to them AGAIN to tell them the date that I moved, and asking when I would be getting a bill?
Bastards issued a court summons - which I was prepared to go to, but the misses was getting ill over it, so I phoned again to be told that the only way to stop it was to pay 2000 quid in one hit.
Luckily, I'd paid what I thought my monthly payments would be to myself, so I had the dosh to pay it (I was slightly out as it was much more expensive than where I lived before).
...but it shows you that even if you are willing to pay it, the cupid stunts simply cannot get it right.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 13:45, Reply)
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