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This is a question Thrown away: The stuff you loved and lost.

Smash Wogan writes, "we all love our Mums, but we all know that Mums can be cunts, throwing out our carefully hoarded crap that we know is going to be worth millions some day."

What priceless junk have you lost because someone just threw it out?

Zero points for "all my porn". Unless it was particularly good porn...

(, Thu 14 Aug 2008, 16:32)
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Miss Spanky Pants just reminded me of my Beano collection.

When we were still living in America, when I was about 4 or 5, I'd occasionally get copies of the Beano posted over to me by my godmother.

One day, my babysitter (also English, one of my father's grad students) said he had a few copies of the Beano from ages ago, and promised to get his mother to send them to me.

Well, the day arrives, and this HUGE parcel arrives for me. When he said he had a few, he actually meant he had every single copy published between 1981 and 1986, or something.

When the time came for us all to move back to the UK, the Beanos came with me. I read them quite a lot, leaving them scattered over my bedroom floor. Well, that annoyed my mother. She hated mess. The vast majority of the times she boxed my ears was because of my room being untidy. One day, she snapped because I'd gone to school leaving my room a tip. So she got all my copies of the Beano and took them to the recycling. I was really upset, because the older copies were so much better than the ones they were printing by that point.

They'd have been worth absolutely bugger all I think, but it still upset me for at least a week.
(, Mon 18 Aug 2008, 11:23, 2 replies)
even just for the archaic phrase 'boxed my ears'
(, Mon 18 Aug 2008, 12:24, closed)
I had loads of Beanos too (they took up a whole wardrobe)
Some of them said that the price was 4p and was from waaaaaay back in t day. Also had a load of Busters and Dandys (inferior bollocks compared to the Beano). My old girl threw them out when we moved house and didnt tell me.
(, Mon 18 Aug 2008, 18:21, closed)

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