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This is a question Thrown away: The stuff you loved and lost.

Smash Wogan writes, "we all love our Mums, but we all know that Mums can be cunts, throwing out our carefully hoarded crap that we know is going to be worth millions some day."

What priceless junk have you lost because someone just threw it out?

Zero points for "all my porn". Unless it was particularly good porn...

(, Thu 14 Aug 2008, 16:32)
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I used to collect 2000AD, this was back in the day when Star Wars came out in the cinema.(1977 for you young things) I had them all from the very first one up to number 160 and then we moved to London.

I never thought anything about it untill after everything was unpacked I couldn't find them. Much ranting later I find out that my dear old parents had decided, that despite the fact that I read them all the time, that I didn't want them and through the lot in the skip that had been hired for dumping the rubbish. I was not a happy bunny!

Well I continued to collect them and a few years later I decided to get the issues that I was missing. Cue trips to collectors fairs, Forbidden Planet, and anyplace else I could find that had them.

I did in the end get them all back but it cost me about £2k to do so. The good thing was that I got to be good friend with Alan Grant, and he gave me a personally signed copy of the 1983 Dredd annual, and he named a City Block in Megacity One after me (It was nuked in The Apocalypse War), which I then got signed by all the rest of the 2000AD staff writers and artists of the time. The include John Wagner, Brian Bolland, Alan Moore, Carlos Ezquerra, and Dave Gibbons to name but a few.

But it still pisses me off to this day that I had to spend all that cash though!
(, Mon 18 Aug 2008, 12:20, 1 reply)
An exclusive club perhaps?
Dude - Well done in getting named in JD! I don't have an English name and its not very common in any case, but mine also appeared in JD - as a villain - a few months after I sent a letter to Tharg that never got published. Can't prove it conclusively, but its too much of a coincidence....
(, Mon 18 Aug 2008, 20:41, closed)

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