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This is a question Tightwads

There's saving money, and there's being tight: saving money at the expense of other people, or simply for the miserly hell of it.

Tell us about measures that go beyond simple belt tightening into the realms of Mr Scrooge.

(, Thu 23 Oct 2008, 13:58)
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I've a relative who we will call Richard & Judy. They live in a respectable village in the West Country and have a 3 storey house with a large garden that could pass for a small forest. They're pleasant but my word do they have some hang ups about money. It is not uncommon for them to hint at how little money they have in every conversation.

We're sometimes worried that this is due to their guilt at our side of the family not getting our fair share of past inheritance. For example we were told when a relative passed away that they could give most of the inheritance to us straight away if we needed it. Not long out of my teens I said yes and was rewarded with 200 quid. Weird considering the said relative had a reasonable house in North London.

Anyway this is getting off the subject, point is they have travelled a fair bit across most continents and are always keen to tell you that they aren't rich. Before they could even sense any non-existant jealousy.
But the clincher was when they visited us and planned to see a nearby tourist attraction on the way home. They were keen to see it and weren't up in that area of the country often, say once every 5 years at best. A lot of discussion was made in front of us to decided it was worth it.

The admission was 7 pounds per person (this was only a couple of years back)

To quote "We'll see, I mean 7 pounds is 7 pounds isn't it?"
(, Fri 24 Oct 2008, 6:44, Reply)

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