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This is a question Toilets

Toilets are weird half public/half private spaces. All sorts of stuff goes on in them. They are devious entrances and exits from venues, places to have sex, to snort drugs or even, get this, to defecate. Tell us your favourite toilet stories.

(, Fri 2 Sep 2005, 11:11)
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Of course, there are those times where toilets are unavailable
Come on, we've all done it.

I was recently on a camping weeking in North Wales. We camped about 3 miles from the nearest town and decided to get a lift from a mate who lives there into town for the evening.

Left the pub about 11:30. Tried to get a taxi but the earliest one would have been about 1am. "Come on", I said to my mate, "we can walk back to the campsite in an hour". So we did.

About half way there I really needed a piss. Obviously there were no facilites as it literally was the middle of nowhere. So I went up a little path while my mate waited by the road.

We were half-heartedly trying to hitch a lift from passing cars, so while I was relieving myself my friend was putting his thumb to good use. Unfortunately the only car that came past was a police car. It stopped up the road and reversed back down to him.

I had finished pissing by this point and was walking back. From where I was I could see a car with a light on the roof. "Great", I though, "he's managed to flag down a taxi." When I got a bit closer I could see how wrong I was, but it was too late to go back.

As I walked past the older copper said "Oy! What have you just been doing?" After attempting to explain the situation away, I finally admitted what I'd been doing. Long story short, they took my name and address (the younger copper gave me a bollocking because, frankly, I wasn't being very respectful. Come on, have you met coppers? Bunch of patronising jobsworths.)

Anyway, the upshot was I got given a warning, of which I am strangely proud. But come on, I ask you, where else are you supposed to go in the middle of nowhere? Honestly!

So, who else has an ASBO then?

Edit: Just realised I've posted a few stories that probably belong in other QOTWs, but I didn't get the chance when they were active. Sorry!
(, Sat 3 Sep 2005, 19:35, Reply)

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