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This is a question Toilets

Toilets are weird half public/half private spaces. All sorts of stuff goes on in them. They are devious entrances and exits from venues, places to have sex, to snort drugs or even, get this, to defecate. Tell us your favourite toilet stories.

(, Fri 2 Sep 2005, 11:11)
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Rash examiners
A mate of mine once went into a Universty bar toilet and stumbled accross two blokes who looked really boxed on some substance or other. Nothing in itself, but when you consider they were shirtless and examining the stange red blotches on eachother's torsos....and looking accusingly at the non-local boy who'd just walked in...not the best. A conspiratoral look between them was enough to drive my mate swiftly into the cubicle where he removed the top of the porcalin toilet tank in readiness to break it over the diseased weirdos heads should they try and make him join their blotchy cult.
(, Sun 4 Sep 2005, 21:58, Reply)

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