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This is a question Toilets

Toilets are weird half public/half private spaces. All sorts of stuff goes on in them. They are devious entrances and exits from venues, places to have sex, to snort drugs or even, get this, to defecate. Tell us your favourite toilet stories.

(, Fri 2 Sep 2005, 11:11)
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Talking of festivals, which a lot of people are,,,
I was a 'worker' at Leeds Festival last weekend and seeing the way that workers are treated just makes the way the other festival goers have to live look all the more squalid. Get this...on our special campsite we had proper hot showers in little portacabins! And our toilets were PRISTINE!! they must have cleaned them every hour. Not only that, our campsite was on the hill so that even though it pissed it down most of the weekend and the other campsites were like muddy swamps by saturday ours was ok. I can't believe when you pay over a hundred squids for a ticket you get treated like an animal. When I got caught short during the pixies I tried to use the so called Ladies near the main stage. As I walked in a lumo-coated worker handed me something. 'What's this?' Sez I. 'That's your funnel!' She replied, and it was true for as I looked into the toilets area there were several women squatting holding these little paper funnels and pissing on the rather sorry looking grass. In fact there were several thousand discarded ones on the floor...nice! 'I don't think so' I said, mustering all my dignity and waddled off slightly cross-legged back to the pixies.
(, Sun 4 Sep 2005, 22:37, Reply)

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