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This is a question Toilets

Toilets are weird half public/half private spaces. All sorts of stuff goes on in them. They are devious entrances and exits from venues, places to have sex, to snort drugs or even, get this, to defecate. Tell us your favourite toilet stories.

(, Fri 2 Sep 2005, 11:11)
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...PLEASE REMEMBER that bogs are there for people to let nasty brown stuff out of them in a relatively dignified manner. People who impair this function in any way are evil bastards. I am considering mocking up some posters for a fake training course called "elementary toilet hygiene for gentlemen employees" to put up in the bogs at work.
At least at work I generally have a choice of cubibles if one smells slightly too much of warm shit; as a small child with severe nervous diarrhoea* running from shop to shop trying to find a: a shop WITH a toilet, b: a shop with an unoccupied toilet or c: a shop with an unoccupied toilet which still had some paper and in which the seat hadn't been cracked in half, used in place of toilet paper and then pissed on I was grateful for anywhere...
I'm generally better now but still have mild paranoia when leaving the house that I'll suddenly desperately need a shit and be unable to find any suitable convenience.

I know some people so this differently but in my house we always shut and locked the door when toiletting. I thus developed a fear of the bogs at school (which I carried through to uni and beyond) where the lock was broken and developed many means of keeping them closed with the tools available (belts, pens, coins and once a sock depending on the type of lock and degree of damage). Anyway, I was once trundling around Brixton with some mates from school in preparation for a Dylan gig at the Academy. We stopped for a McShit on the way for which I was quite desperate at the time; I was therefore somewhat disturbed to discover that the cubicle doors barely reached chin level, something I hadn't noticed on the way in but did notice when my pal peered over the top and pointed it out to me as I was just preparing to wipe.

*Fine during 30-minute car journey to town (before which I had thoroughly emptied myself at home). Step out of car. Develop immediate pressing need to poo. Set off at extremely fast walk for shops.

I was always fine on the way home.

(, Mon 5 Sep 2005, 6:32, Reply)

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