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I've had guns pointed at me in many different countries, sometimes even by our own side. I've also sat on my own on a beach on a desert island, which was nice because nobody was trying to shoot me. Tell us your tales of foreign travel.

Thanks to SnowytheRabbit for the suggestion

(, Thu 18 Apr 2013, 17:43)
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It drove my ex mad too.
She was Scandewegian and couldn't understand why our stations had no bins, so I had to explain the whole IRA bullshit. I told her to drop her rubbish on the floor like we do but she couldn't bring herself to do it.
I've no idea why they really got rid of the bins -- does anyone know the real reason?
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 11:18, 2 replies)
The bombs WERE the real reason.
FACT: PIRA terrorists would place their bombs in bins because 1: It was thought that placing a package in a bin looked less suspicious than simply abandoning it in plain sight on a station platform or a street.
And 2: The metal from the bin and any metal or glass object in the bin would act as shrapnel thus maiming more bystanders.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 11:34, closed)
I suppose that CCTV, plastic bags and concrete bins don't exist then?
I suppose the answer is " Sheer laziness and the will to let the terrorists have a small victory".
I bet they have litter bins in Isreal.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 11:53, closed)
CCTV didn't, or was in it's infancy, this is the 1970's and 1980's we're talking about here.
The heights of CCTV back then was a huge ceiling-mounted thing that looked a bit like a dalek and was to be found only in posh shops to deter shoplifters.
There were concrete bin holders in cities but not in stations.
And as for 'small victory' The terrorists LOST, they ultimately had to negotiate a peace deal.
Didn't you learn any history at school?
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 12:09, closed)
I think suj may be correct
however as you have pointed out - with the advent of your country being the most cctv'd place ever and the miracle of plastic you'd think that the borough of London might want to make their lovely city look a little less like a council tip.
At least between Olympics.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 12:37, closed)
Exactly my point.
We make our stations look like council tips to any visitors because two decades ago some terrorists had a short campaign of blowing up litter bins. This is despite the fact that both CCTV and anti-explosive bins were both becoming part of life as the bins were being removed. Even if you pretend that at the time there was no answer but to remove the bins it still does not explain why we still don't have any bins.
I also noticed how half of Manchester city centre managed to get blown sky-high without the use of bins.
As to the IRA losing -- well, as I said they still have a small victory as they are remembered every time someone throws litter on the floor of a station. As it is every foreign visitor to England (don't know about the rest of the UK) is told that the IRA are in charge of our stations.
I ought also to mention that the islamist pricks aren't known for their use of litter bins so since the IRA are no more surely we can now have bins back to be about?
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 13:12, closed)
You're kidding, right?
They took down all the road signs in 1939 to confuse German spies and most of them never went back up, meaning that pre-satnav, navigating London tended to be a combination of guesswork and looking out for kebab shops - as they are generally called something like "Peckham Kebabs" and will give you a general idea of where you are.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 16:24, closed)
you fucking spastic.
I despatched in London for a year and the AtoZ was invaluable. you are talking bollocks, just for a change.
(, Tue 23 Apr 2013, 9:19, closed)
Cutbacks in defence spending
meant that Dangermouse was at risk of starvation.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 11:46, closed)
I give up mm
you win.

Penfold has left the building.
(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 12:29, closed)
Good grief!

(, Mon 22 Apr 2013, 13:45, closed)

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