Are you a troll? Ever been trolled? Ever pwn3d a troll with your 1337 intarnet sk1llz? Or do you live under a bridge and eat goats? Tell us your trolly stories, both from the web and from real life
Thanks to The Hedgehog From Hell for the suggestion
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 May 2011, 11:49)
I once told Monty Boyce...
...that I liked David Bowie.
Then I told him why. He didn't agree. We didn't even agree to disagree.
And he was wrong as well.
Some people!
Che Grimsdale Best before:, Fri 20 May 2011, 14:46,
4 replies)
I did that once too.
He walked off.
The Empress it seems you CAN polish a turd!, Fri 20 May 2011, 14:52,
I'm surprised he didn't send his brother round to decapitate you with a samurai sword.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Fri 20 May 2011, 14:53,
I live in fear of that eventuality.
The Empress it seems you CAN polish a turd!, Fri 20 May 2011, 15:01,
So why did you like David Bowie?
flake has nothing against your right leg, Fri 20 May 2011, 18:31,