Twat Friends
BraynDedd tugs our sleeve and asks: "You know the one, the mate who is guaranteed to ruin every social situation by being an embarrassment/sexist/racist/bellend etc. Tell us about your twattiest mate."
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 19 Sep 2013, 10:50)
No wonder you told him to "STAY ABOUT FROM MY BINS"
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Sat 21 Sep 2013, 13:58,
1 reply)
Surely that's:
"Stah aboot frahm mah bins!"?
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Sat 21 Sep 2013, 17:25,
If he was a Weegie it'd be "STEE ABOOT FRAE MAH BENS, YA WEE SHITE"
BraynDedd Natasha Kaplinsky's labia majora, Sat 21 Sep 2013, 19:58,
I find it difficult enough trying to imitate accents when speaking, never mind typing.
Me, I'm not... in any way intoxicated, Sun 22 Sep 2013, 9:37,
But he'd already said that the shite was massive.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Sun 22 Sep 2013, 19:17,
Doc Shambles is far too LOVELY to ever have mocked the poor benighted Porridge-wog's accent.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Sun 22 Sep 2013, 19:19,