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This is a question Vomit Pt2

It's been nearly six years since we last asked about your worst vomit, so:

Tell us tales of what went in, what came out and where it all went after that.

(, Thu 7 Jan 2010, 17:02)
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Thank you. Thank you very much.
I'm not one usually to vom unless I need to. However, being surrounded by my kids who are both projectile at the moment, coupled with my cat who can make mousey vom cakes on demand, I've been tested many times this week.
Thanks to reading these stories with the smell of vom fresh in my mind, my stomach has responded in kind. I type this via a vomit encrusted (I say encrusted, it hasn't had time to cure yet) keyboard.
How do you get the bits out from between the keys? Will the acid affect the delicate electrics underneath? At least it didn't cover the screen. Hopefully my boss won't notice the smell.

I'll stop reading now.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 10:19, 8 replies)
Stop demanding mousey vom cakes then.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 10:23, closed)
his demand, not mine.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 10:27, closed)
Get a screwdriver
and take the keyboard apart then you can normally remove the keys and wash them. Watch out for the space bar as it's normally fitted a bit differently and if you don't put it back right it will be a bit dodgy.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 10:26, closed)
Thanks, but I'm now thinking-
new keyboard, or old from loft.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 10:28, closed)
New keyboard
Or come a warm and still summer day a strange, stale and sickly smell will rise from between the keys, tickle your nostrils and force you into taking the thing apart again to clean yet more sick from within its inner most parts.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 11:11, closed)
Or even cause me to replenish it.
Maybe I should swap it with some unknowing victims?
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 11:13, closed)
This really isn't a problem
You'll find if you run it under a shower, or even the kitchen tap, it will flush out all the nasties.
Dry it for a couple of days in the airing cupboard or on a radiotor.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2010, 11:51, closed)
^^ this
Just make sure it's FULLY dry before plugging it back in.

Or just go get a new one...
(, Mon 11 Jan 2010, 13:18, closed)

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