Universalpsykopath tugs our coat and says: Tell us about your feats of deduction and the little mysteries you've solved. Alternatively, tell us about the simple, everyday things that mystified you for far too long.
( , Thu 13 Oct 2011, 12:52)
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He came to my department (thechnology) and bought an iPod, paying with credit card. He also had tobacco but I couldn't let him buy that because of duty restrictions etc....
I offered to put the tobacco back on the shelf for him, but he was adamant he'd do it himself. Obviously being a distrustful bugger (and knowing what some sneaky bastard passengers are like), I followed him (discreetly) around the shop and watched as he cheerfully walked out of teh shop with the baccy under his arm.
The shift leader wasn't interested in tracking him down, as 'he could be anywhere in the airport and we don't know where he's going'. Bugger.
'But hold on!' thinks I, 'he bought an iPod. With a credit card. For which purchase he had to present a valid boarding card.'
All I had to do was find teh transaction on the till, print out a copy receipt, and we have his name and flight number. Job done.
Two hours off work talking to some nice policemen, a huge pat on the back from management, and the idiot who paid £100 for an ipod and stole a £20 pack of Golden Virginia and £15 worth of all-butter shortbread gets arrested.
( , Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:00, 5 replies)

and I got 2 packs of tobacco. The guy at the till said 'Hey, it's 3 for 2 at the moment, grab another one!'.
I did, reluctantly, knowing I could only take 2 packs back into the UK.
In fact, I just left one on the plane, as I didn't want any agro with customs.
Sure enough, I got pulled. I showed the guy my two packs of tobacco, and said 'I did have three, but I left one on the plane, as I know the limit is two'.
He says 'Actually, it's one. But as you're making an effort, I'll let you go with these today'.
So I said 'Thanks, just out of interest, if I had had three, would you have let me go with those?'.
'Proabably, yes' he says.
Anyway, I wandered off with my 2 packs of tobacco, and the 400 Silk cut I had in my suitcase. Lol.
( , Thu 13 Oct 2011, 16:31, closed)

Good job he didn't find the kilo of columbian marching powder in your arse.
( , Thu 13 Oct 2011, 17:14, closed)

Made me lol, just a bit, but the lol was certainly present. Brilliant.
( , Fri 14 Oct 2011, 22:30, closed)

How dare they stop honest people robbing shops.
I mean, what is the world coming to when you can't do a days honest shoplifting without some fucking jobsworth asking for you to stop it.
( , Sat 15 Oct 2011, 18:05, closed)
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