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This is a question The Weird Kid In Class

There was a kid in my class who stood up every day and told everyone he had new shoes. This went on for weeks, and we all thought him nuts. Then, one day, he stood up and told us a long story about why his family were moving to another part of the country, and how excited he was. The next thing we heard was that he'd died in a plane crash.

Let's hear about the weird kid in your class...

(, Fri 19 Jan 2007, 10:18)
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One, Two and Three
Were I kid you not the names of three kids at my old school.
The CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST parents believed that they should not give their children names and that they should be able to choose them themselves.

Of course they forbade the children from being allowed to name themselves until they were 16. i.e. they were of age to have decided on a good and sensible name for themselves.

As of yet only One has a proper name, which shall not be mentioned here. Two and Three are still, Two and Three.

They called themselves different names at school sometimes but officially on registers passports, birth cirtificates and other oficial documents, they are, in order of age.

One, Two and Three.

(I believe they are fairly normal apart from the shit that they had to put up with in school)

~If you click I like this and PM me I'll give them your suggestions for names~

/Obligatory length joke
(, Mon 22 Jan 2007, 19:59, Reply)

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