Freddy Woo writes, "A group of us once staggered home so insensible with drink that we failed to notice someone being killed and buried in a shallow grave not more than 50 yards away. A crime unsolved to this day."
Have you witnessed a crime and done bugger all about it? Or are you a have-a-go hero?
Whatever. Tell us about it...
( , Thu 14 Feb 2008, 11:53)
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About a year ago, on my way home I spotted a handbag lying on the ground, a few yards up a bin alley.
Aha! I thought. Obviously some scrote has nicked this, emptied it of cash and valuables and then flung it away to avoid detection.
I opened it up* and sure enough, there's a book, some lipsticks, a purse with a Blockbuster's card, etc in it... nothing worth any money, but a few personal effects. My suspicions were correct.
So, I thought - I had my bag nicked a while ago, and I was really grateful when the police found it and gave it back to me - even though the bastards had taken everything valuable, it was nice to know that my personal stuff wasn't sitting in the corner of some crack den in Bethnal Green. Maybe this person would feel the same way. I'm sure they will have reported the theft and the police could track them down. I'll take it home, and hand it in to the police station this weekend.
A warm glow of smuggery ensued.
Never did it. In fact, about 6 months later I moved out of that shared house, and as I did I noted the bag was still sitting on the hall table. I can still see it through the front door window whenever I walk past. One day someone's going to wonder who it belongs to, open it and be very confused indeed.
*may I just say, I'm not in the habit of ferreting around in bin alleys. I don't know what prompted me to be so nosy/charitable but it obviously wore off pretty quickly.
( , Thu 14 Feb 2008, 14:15, Reply)
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