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Home » Question of the Week » Work Experience » Post 79655 | Search
This is a question Work Experience

We've got a work experience kid in for a couple of weeks and he'll do anything you tell him to... He's was in the server room most of yesterday monitoring the network activity lights - he almost missed his lunch till we took pity on him.

We are bastards.

How bad was your first experience of work?

(, Thu 10 May 2007, 9:45)
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im a medical student
every day is like work experience. you turn up everyday, no on wants you there, they make you do horrid things like poke fingers into places that although finger sized arent for putting fingers in (usually). on the plus side it is fun to run up and down corridors pretenting you are important (Rather than less impoirtant the ward cat would be if they had one)

one such place was a secure unit for those with hideous mental problems and a predisposition to extreme violence. "so why were you sent to solitary cofinement then mr x?"

"i just flip out sometimes. i get so mad i just attack people. with no warning. i dont even know what makes me do it. i just attack. i tried to stab someone with a spoon. he had been pissing me of by looking at me funny. the fuckin spoon bent on his collarbone didnt it so i just beat him up"

said by a sociopath who i was locked in a small room with.

panic button, supervison from burly looking staff, being sat between the sociopath and the door - you'll be lucky

length - he almost beat me to death with it
(, Mon 14 May 2007, 14:48, Reply)

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