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Home » Question of the Week » Failed Projects » Post 587669 | Search
This is a question Failed Projects

You start off with the best of intentions, but through raging incompetence, ineptitude or the plain fact that you're working in IT, things go terribly wrong and there's hell to pay. Tell us about the epic failures that have brought big ideas to their knees. Or just blame someone else.

(, Thu 3 Dec 2009, 14:19)
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The key is thus:
Nail the first two tentacles as quickly as possible, and without moving from the one spot if you can. If memory serves, I picked off three of the bastards before the second wave of undead poured out the walls. Nail those buggers, then set about the last tentacle (which also gives you space to run around).
(, Wed 9 Dec 2009, 22:28, Reply)

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