Poached. Omelette with truffles. Cheese Soufflé. Fried in dripping.
God I fucking love eggs. I'd fuck a chicken if I thought it would make the little slag lay more.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 27 Apr 2006, 13:27,
*wipes an actual tear from eye*
Congratulations on pwning Flapjack in the 'post to make me laugh the most' stakes.
ImNotRightBotheredMe fool, Thu 27 Apr 2006, 13:30,
I just laughed out loud at that you cunt
and now everybody wants to know why...
Wicca'd Witch needs ideas for a new sig on..., Thu 27 Apr 2006, 13:31,
Thanks for making me spray Coke everywhere, that was a genuine "LOL" post.
David Fishwick Minibus Sales - notmad.co.uk, Thu 27 Apr 2006, 13:34,
You absolute cunt!
I've just had to feign a coughing fit!
Johnny Catfish - Yowsa!, Thu 27 Apr 2006, 13:34,