I was really keen to go to them the first time
But they were rubbish.
I got asked if I thought it was a mans job to help feed the baby?
Oh, and if I thought that eating a curry would cause "bad breast milk".
Cactus 1 doesn't care what you think on, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:21,
this one
is only 2 hours long, and is more focused on home birth info and stuff rather than the rest of the nonsense.
I'm only going to find out what's changed in the last 9 years.
icklepeach *relurks*, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:23,
they still come out of the same hole.
Good luck.
Cactus 1 doesn't care what you think on, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:27,
there is that!
same as it has been for centuries :)
It's also because I'm planning a home birth, so the more midwives I can meet before hand, the happier I'll be. So far they've been 100% lovely!
icklepeach *relurks*, Thu 6 Nov 2008, 20:36,