Hactualyl I'm nice most of the time.
It's not that it upsets me, it's just there's a difference between a funny cunt and a cunt. One I have time for. *shrugs*
Let's all get involved, though.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:57,
Yes, possibly
but it's an automatic fail if you start caring about the opinion of anyone online.
We're all fucking irrelevant and worthless the minute we post.
Goatworrier had your mum and she was shit, Thu 21 May 2009, 15:59,
So should I be caring about your automatic fail opinion?
Oh, never mind. I'm shit, you're all fabulous, fuck back off to question of the week or whatever people have fallen foul of the talk gods this week etc etc etc etc etc.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous, Thu 21 May 2009, 16:02,