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That's kind of how death works for most people.

(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:23, archived)

(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:24, archived)

(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:25, archived)

(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:26, archived)
most people aren't even remembered, no one cares abouta blacksmith who died in 1263
if we're lucky our descendents will look us up and say "oh look, so and so worked as a programmer all his life before dying from a heart attack aged 60, i wonder if he made anything useful. oh well, we'll never know as all computer technology was absorbed into the terrorsphere 40 cycles ago" and then they'll shoot their way out of a building whilst being chased by robots
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:29, archived)
I love this
for the segue between a great argument and what can only be described as a scene from an action movie (still great)
(, Tue 5 Jan 2010, 22:41, archived)